The Pure And Powerful Snowflakes
Updated: Apr 28, 2022
During a cold, snowy day, isn't it a beautiful sight to witness snowflakes carefully descending from the heights of the clouds, down to the ground everywhere we look?
Thinking hypothetically, we may compare this beautiful scene to finite, white leaves falling from a cluster of crystalline trees rooted in the clouds, while the leaves are slowly being revealed to the world as they get closer, and closer to the ground.
Using our rich imagination, we may also picture these snowflakes, as millions of angels elegantly walking down the intricate stairways of the high heavens, down to earth.
In the example scenarios given, we can see how snowflakes can be viewed in a good way, and a positive light.
Let us be honest. Some people may not fully appreciate the majesty of snowflakes, and some of us may have even taken snowflakes for granted in our own little ways.
Let us choose to see the beauty and power of snowflakes, because our eyes may not be strong enough to see their attractiveness, and our understanding of them may only be limited to what we can perceive with our own naked eyes.
We can see snowflakes’ striking features and grand designs at the microscopic level.
By looking through the lens of a microscope to see a snowflake’s intricate details, we are able to experience and to get a glimpse of the beauty and complexity of the universe itself.
Looking at a snowflake from up close through a microscope, is like looking at a galaxy from afar through a telescope.
It is astounding that if we get a hold of snowflakes with our bare, little hands, we actually have access to the mysteries of the universe, right in the palm of our hands.
The perfection we see from a snowflake’s inside composition, is the same level of perfection we see from its outside appearance.
Aside from the mystery of how snowflakes are brought into existence, is the mystery of how snowflakes' well-thought, and perfect looks are formed.
Some may even find our emotions difficult to understand, and whether we are going to be bewildered or amazed, when we see that each snowflake has unique crystalline formation, and always looks different from other snowflakes.
Ahhh...... the infinite possibilities that exist in the universe are truly remarkable and astounding.
Not only do snowflakes leave us with a good impression and feeling, they also teach us valuable lessons we can apply to our lives.
The satisfaction, gratitude in life and joy we may feel and experience when snowflakes touch our bare hands, are truly memorable and inspiring.
Some people may be bewildered and may even ask, why can we be happy, and get all the positive emotions when snowflakes touch our bare hands? What is the secret to this kind of happiness?
One way of experiencing true, persistent joys in our lives, is by appreciating all of God’s blessings toward us, like the beauty of snowflakes, or the color of green grasses, and not through selfish desires nor any material things.
If we live with this kind of mentality and apply this knowledge everyday, we will live better lives. We will bring our minds to a more positive place, and will touch our emotions in a good way.
Always stay on the ground in the presence of snowflakes, because concealed in snowflakes' purity and beauty, is the strength of a thousand men.
Although we may consider snowflakes as something good and beautiful, snowflakes can also be destructive if they choose to numb, to harden, and to group with their kind.
Because snowflakes are powerful products of nature, they have the capacity to destroy things along their path, that will leave the world in a cold, dark place.
Let us consider a hailstorm to describe this scenario.
During this dangerous event, the coldness of the hail blocks out the sun, and overcomes its warmth.
Bullets of ice are forcefully hurled into the grounds from the sky above, penetrating people's comfort zones, and causing anxiety among them.
Not only does a hailstorm harm and affect people in a negative way, but the surrounding areas as well.
The more a hailstorm lasts, the more it may cause havoc among other creatures, and organisms in the surroundings, our man-made structures, and our environment.
By analyzing snowflakes, we can clearly see and distinguish their two, different, and opposing sides.
Which side of the snowflakes would you rather choose to be?
Would you choose to draw out your gentleness, purity, beauty, and elegance?
Or would you choose to harden yourself, and become a destructive force?