Which Path Will You Take?
Look around you.
While the branches of the trees that are intertwined with one another are swaying from left to right, the golden leaves are falling down to the mountainous dirt of soil.
On the other side of earth, the melodies of the chirping birds create music and harmony for all living souls inside the forests.
At the same time, the rapid, gushing river crushes the strength of the rock particles that hold them together.
And let us not forget the frozen tundra where the shining, warm light of the sun defeats the might of the ice that have remained frozen for thousands of years.
Let's take all these wonders and go beyond the world where we are settled and in a more grandiose and universal scale.
Yes... I am talking about our universe.
When I look up in the sky at night, I see all these twinkling stars that light up the night like diamonds sparkling inside the darkest cave.
When I see the shape of the moon differs every night, I wonder if the moon is never satisfied with its form?
I question myself at the brightest and warmest part of the day, where does the sun hide at night and hope to see another sunlight the following day.
When you look at each one of these wonders, don't you ask yourself, aren't they all beautiful?
Didn't you see their intricate details and the tender, loving, care that the God put into them when they were created?
Don't you care about their composition, their movements, the life they give and the stories they tell to the world?
We should all care about our home called planet earth and our universe because we are all part of God's complex structures and universal systems that creates everything.
We should all be determined to preserve the natural wonders of our world and the universe for they hold the secrets to our existence that we have been living and fighting for thousands of years.
We should be grateful today that we exist because not everything or everyone has this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Everyone exists for a good reason.
I believe it is our destiny and duty as human beings to figure out the truth.
The truth is not going to come and find us.
We would never explain the complexity of the universe and our lives if we are just going to sit down.
Everybody in the world should work hard for it.
We humans are the most intelligent species in our planet or maybe in the entire universe that's why we should use our intelligence for the good of everyone and everything in the universe.
Am I correct?
Or maybe I am mistaken?
I see two paths humanity may take.
First path we may take is to become successful in finding out the truth about our existence.
We should all give our attention to each entity in our planet and use our intellectual prowess to understand them more in details because all of them hold the key to thousands or even millions of years of creation and evolution.
We should all decipher nature's codes and put all the puzzling pieces of information together to unlock the secrets of our planet.
In order to accomplish our duties as humans is to liberate our doubtful minds from insecurities that hold back our truest potential.
We should overcome our greatest fears that set us in a backwards direction.
We should move out of our comfort zones and push ourselves forward and aspire to become somebody that can make a difference.
We should find our greatest passion and calling in life and use it for the betterment of everyone.
We should find within ourselves our burning desire to help each other and the world we live in.
There is nobody who can stop us if we truly believe in ourselves and our capabilities.
There is nothing we cannot accomplish if we set our goals in life and work willingly and hardly towards getting what we want.
Second path we may take is the path to destroying humanity and everything that goes with it.
Have we become too greedy with power, money, fame and other evil purposes?
Have we become too self centered and only thinking about our own selves and not other people or our environment?
What will happen in the future if we have all the power in the universe and our good side is defeated by our evil side?
If that happens, not only we will destroy humanity itself, but the entire universe as well.
For the sake of humanity and the universe, I am not even going to explain this section further.
I am just going to leave it by saying that humanity or human beings have the capability to change their bad ways so they arrive at the first path's destination.
What do you think we should do?
I feel like the first path is the path we should ALL take and where we should ALL head towards because I am against negativity, chaos and destruction.
Don't you agree with me?